BNHA OC Tournament Wiki

Kyokan Academy (鏡鑑学院 Kyokan Gakuin) is a heroic institute where students go to learn and train to become licensed hero. It is one of the premiere schools, ranked among the top 20 in Japan, alongside U.A. High, Shiketsu High, and Ketsubutsu Academy.

General Info[]

Established by the famous Hero of Light, Paragon, fifty years ago, Kyokan Academy is ranked as #16 of all the hero schools in Japan and number #30 overall. Kyokan mostly focuses on the training of heroes, not having side programs like U.A., thusly allowing teachers to focus on both regular education and hero education without having to split funds between four different departments. The classes are separated into groups of 20 with each class being labelled with one of the 26 letters of the Greek alphabet and a number, depending on the grade. Many of the teachers are former or current heroes, though a few are regular civilians who act as teachers.


The curriculum for Kyokan is mostly focused upon turning the young students into the best heroes they can be while also properly teaching them grade appropriate mathematics, language, grammar, science, world and Japanese history. Teachers go through exercises in combat, rescue, public relations, proper arrest technique, Quirk Enhancement training, equipment maintenance, and an assortment of skills that young heroes should know. Kyokan also provides internship and shadowing opportunity for all grade levels.


  • Glutton (Mitsuru Munashi)
  • Sandman (Nemuri Yasashi)
  • Athlete (Undo Kyogi)
  • The Hound (Shuryo Oka)
  • Blackout (Terrence Pitts)
  • Denshi Soroban


  • Class Alpha-1: Freshman class of heroes
    • Homeroom Teacher: Sandman


Hero Name



Senjo Jin White Pristine Hero Germicide
Senjo Hayashi Anti-General Immunity Hero White Cells
Yahan Hinezumi Carmilla Nighttime Hero Moonlight
Katai Dozo Sentinel Body Blocking Hero Black Steel
Ichigo Yokan Strawberry Jam Sugary-Sweet Hero Jelly
Akira Sekitei Crystree Crystal Hero Crystal Garden
Chikara Yoko Sunbeam The Smiling Hero Positive Reinforcement
Keibatsu Sunao Lily Dominating Hero Pyromancy
Igata Haichi Makeshift Mold-Breaking Hero Mold
Shageki Yuno Toothless Pearly-White Hero Endentulism
Shoko Rori Eternaloli Legal Hero Age
Kama Kawaki Oasis Arid Hero Heat
Komori Yorui Shadow Step Creeping Hero Silence
Hazumi Dama Bouncing Ball Boy (B3) Human Ball Hero Bounce
Shirokuri Saki Wayfinder Future Hero Pathfinder
Kugutsu Odori Deus Controlling Hero Puppetry
Yotaka Momo Roxanne Seducing Hero Allure
Niji Kogei Killer Killer Sparkling Hero Rainbows
Ayatsuru Kaji Black Hand Metalworking Hero Ironmonger
Tsukamu Nuru Null Forefront Hero Tentacle
  • Class Beta-1: Freshman Hero Class
    • Homeroom Teacher: Blackout


Hero Name



Ononoki Jishin Spook Feared Hero Shiver
Onigoko Kaeru Transit Mass Movement Hero Transit
Chobaku Dan Colt Charging Hero Bullet
Toguha Kenshi X-Caliber Cutting Edge Hero Sharpen
Takiri Shino King Ruling Hero Malevolence
Kabe Fuhen Unstoppable Guardian Hero Immobile
Koshita Fukahi Eagle Eye Following Hero Lock-On
Koame Amase Maple Sticky Hero Syrup
Orochi Ichika Orochi Multi-Headed Hero Hydra
Masuka Dai Little Big Serving Size Hero Big-And-Little
Yurikago Suta Asterisk ? Star
Danami Kenta Hammer Pounding Hero Ground Pound
Sarumida Taiga Monk Meditating Hero Chi
Haikawa Hanzo Hanzo Tusked Hero Elephant
Juryo Harada Heavyweight Boxing Hero Heavy
Moriko Hikari Puck Pixie Hero Dragonfly
Hagurama Gundam Gurren-Wing Mobile Hero Gears
Kaiki Sanzu Death Shell Rolling Hero Turtle Shell
Kamo Kairi Platyrant Toxic Hero Platypus
Kosen Jikara Lazer Straightaway Hero Laserbeam
  • Class Delta-1
    • Homeroom Teacher: Mitsuru Munashi


Hero Name



Tateyuki Mamoru Saint Camelot Castling Hero Shields
Kuchimoto Kozui ? Steadfast Hero Flood
Kisugawa Nadeko Venus Blowing Hero Air Wave
Dokito Share In-Sync Synchronization Hero Coordinate
Chozu Kaen Hellish Butterfly ? 4-Point Ignition
Shikyu Koko ? ? Womb
Sorasaki Kanata Islander ? Platforms
Tsutae Kira Wire Transmitting Hero Conductive
Uromaru Mashu Shady Stranger Mysterious Hero Devil Paw


  • Kyokan (鏡鑑) means both mirror and paragon, a double reference to the founder, Paragon, with the Quirk: Reflection.